Review ~ “Barack and Joe: The Making of An Extraordinary Partnership” by Steven Levingston

Nowadays, it is common to see the words, ‘Don’t you miss these guys?’ when referring to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Indeed, I think we do miss them. Even the other side of the aisle in Congress probably wishes the political world was a be more polite as it was with the former President and the former Vice President.

In this book, Mr. Levingston goes into deliberate detail as to what made Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden, the team. And yes, it was a team, yet it was a long time in the making.

The book acknowledges how these political men were different, and yet as time tells, the subtleties of their beliefs became apparent. How these similarities played out is what makes them the dream team.

Mr. Levingston tells and shows how they worked out their differences to provide the best they had for the country. Their prime focus was taking the country into a stable place in the world. While Obama needed Biden’s international experience, Biden needed Mr. Obama’s fresh take and youthful energy.

“Barack and Joe” is not a ‘buddy’ or ‘bromance’ book. It is a book that shows you how it all happened, and most importantly, why it needed to happen. The writing is clear, concise, and entertaining. You can see how it all played out, and you enjoy the ride getting there.

I have recommended: (five green books) πŸ“—πŸ“—πŸ“—πŸ“—πŸ“—.