Book Review: “The Big Kitty” by Claire Donally

This book was my Cozy Mystery book for January 2016.

I almost gave up on this book. I am glad I did not.

I am not sure why but the book seemed to go at a snail’s pace in the first 120 pages. I will allow it could have been me and not the writing/book. So you may think, ‘wow! Why did you not give up on this book earlier than 120 pages?’ Here is your answer, I wanted it to get better. I wanted to like the characters sooner than later. And I did, finally, find my emotional attachment that we all seek when reading a book.

The setting is in Maine (many cozies are in Maine) yet the town is fictional. You won’t find trivia about a small town that you may have heard about nor will you have much to go on about how this building or that building looks. And maybe that was a part of what threw me off in the first 100+ pages. For me, it was hard to picture where Sunny was. An example, a park where Sunny goes to eat lunch. Okay, so describe the park to me. Make me understand ‘why’ this park is a park Sunny would want to eat her meal. That did not happen. I can only assume there was only one park, therefore, no other choice but to eat in that park. Even so, I would still like to see what Sunny saw/felt, etc.

I did like the book and will go on to the next book in the series. I am hoping the next book develops well and sooner.

Before I forget, there is Shadow. Shadow is certainly worth my attention. Cats are one of my favorite animals in cozies. So I was hoping Shadow developed quickly, and he did. By the end of the book, he was, oops, I can’t tell you as that will spoil it. Now you have to read and find out yourself.

TheBigKittybyClaireDonally 8Mar16 book review cover