Book Review: “Best Poems of the Bronte Sisters” by Emily, Anne, and Charlotte Bronte

Poetry was on my reading genre list this year (2016). After seeing the title of the book, “Best Poems of the Bronte Sisters”, I thought what better way to delve into this genre than read poems from the Bronte sisters. I had read their novels in my early reading years. So this book was a simple choice on my part.

Reading the book on my iPhone and iPad mini had the best readability due to the poems being on photographs and not actual ‘pages’ in a book. I can understand why the publisher decided to publish in this way yet it made my Kindle a poor choice to read the poems due in fact by the inability to enlarge photos.

On to the poems. The Bronte sisters had much sadness and suffering in their world. Their mother had died at an early age and suffered much before her death. This grief and agony translated into their poems (and novels). One cannot read the poems without seeing and sensing their internal pain.

The richness of the wording of the work sometimes overrides the anguish one feels. Their close-knit life, their secluded and contained world is reflected in their poems. Sometimes, I will admit; it was too much, and I had to put the book down for a time. I reflected on their words as I went through my day. Not until I could finish my contemplation would I return to reading another poem. That is how powerful these works are.

After reading, their best poems, I felt closer to them than I did when I read their novels. I do wish they had had a better and happier life, but then we would not have their literary works such as they are had they not suffered. Best Poems of the Bronte Sisters by Dover Thrift Publishers 12Feb16