Review: “Nogged Off” by Barbara Ross

‘Nogged Off’ was not my first book by Barbara Ross and not my first book from the series, ‘A Maine Clambake Mystery.’ Precisely the reason I wanted to read it.

I will say that I was not overly thrilled about the beginning of the book. It seemed a bit contrived and even soggy. I re-read the beginning to see if maybe I had somehow missed a bit of information or clue. No, sadly, I had not.

Every book in the series before had drawn me in quickly. So I had higher expectations, maybe. The soggy start, the start in another city, both threw me off. As the plot moved towards the middle, it seemed to form more of a reason for being. I kept reading because I wanted to see if there was a reason our heroine was going through the hoops and some loops. (Also, this is a NetGallery review, and I wanted to complete my task)

There was a reason, and it made more sense once I read to the end of the book. Still, I wish the story would have flowed better in the beginning as it did near the end.

Ms. Ross usually has a good plot and a well thought out story, unlike ‘Nogged Off.’ Will, I read the next book in the series, yes. I expect the next book to be back to the series usual goodness.

Only (three green books): 📗📗📗

Book Review: “Brighton Belle” by Sara Sheridan

This book captivated me. There is just no other way to say it. I was and am quite taken by the Belle. By about 20% of the book I had become immersed in the story. Then I was always reading, and I could not set the book down.
Belle is not your average woman from the post-World War II era. She is surprising on many levels. There were twists and turns that I do not even think Belle knew coming.
Read this book and you will thank me later. I will most assuredly be reading more books by Ms. Sheridan and I know you will too after you read about Brighton Belle.

Brighton Belle book cover 10April16