Book Review: “Brighton Belle” by Sara Sheridan

This book captivated me. There is just no other way to say it. I was and am quite taken by the Belle. By about 20% of the book I had become immersed in the story. Then I was always reading, and I could not set the book down.
Belle is not your average woman from the post-World War II era. She is surprising on many levels. There were twists and turns that I do not even think Belle knew coming.
Read this book and you will thank me later. I will most assuredly be reading more books by Ms. Sheridan and I know you will too after you read about Brighton Belle.

Brighton Belle book cover 10April16

Welcome to my Book Review blog

After a few years of not having a review blog, I decided to start one again.

I missed the variety of books that came my way. Also, every book opened more horizons especially when they are for review. I like to dig deep into the book e.g. why did I like it? why did I not like it? And the big question…did the book change how I look at life/things/people?

Thank you for joining me on this journey!
